
Email & SMS Marketing

Email Marketing

Masse-mail sending allows for direct and immediate access to targeted audiences without geographical constraints.
You can:
• Inform of services and products.
• Communicate offers and discounts.
• Confirm orders and product delivery status to your e-shop customers.
• Attach technical and operation manuals for your products.
• Distribute your company newsletter.
• Organize enquiries, customer satisfaction feedback and other promotional campaigns.
• Visualize products and fully exploit potential for innovative multimedia content.
• Execute the promotion campaign 24/7.
• Decode consumer behavioral characteristics and identify specific patterns, allowing for best approach marketing techniques.
• Low cost marketing tool.
• Fast, easy and direct communication method.
• Solid evaluation of campaign effectiveness.

Email Marketing Services

SMS Marketing

A secure and direct way to communicate specific messages to large audiences.
You can:
• Reach out to existing and potential customers .
• Immediately communicate special offers and discounts.
• Send customized personal messages (e.g. birthday wishes, etc…).
• Respond to enquiries.
• Remind events, upcoming and due payments, etc…
• Facilitate internal communication within your organization.
• Manage your customers e-shop accounts.
• Interact in a personalized bilateral manner via ‘’2 way SMS’’.
• Enhance information security via ‘’2 step pin code verification’’ process.